Purple Mash

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Reception - Spring term 2014 curriculum overview
 “Paws, Claws and Whiskers"

Language, Literacy and Communication
Weekly recording of news using skills of: underwriting/overwriting/copying/phonic knowledge
Handwriting using Jolly Phonic scheme/Nelson
Listening to & creating stories/poems/rhymes based on topic (fiction & non-fiction)
Writing from experiences/range of genres
Creating scrapbooks
Using ICT to write words/sentences
Jolly Phonics groups – further developing blending skills, tricky word recognition etc.
Developing oracy skills (listening, questioning. answering etc)
Guided reading (ability groups)

 Mathematical Development
To use familiar mathematical terms in practical situations
To order events
To use everyday language to compare and describe positions and properties of regular shapes
To represent work with objects or pictures
To understand the concept of one less and that zero means none
To carry out simple addition using numbers 1 to 5/10
Record numerals 1 to 9 and beyond
Record simple repeating patterns/sequences
Subtract numbers when solving problems involving up to 10 objects
Counting on and back in steps of different sizes and from different numbers
To become aware of the different value of coins

Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity
SEAL – Theme 3 Red stage:
‘Say no to bullying’ – a focus on belonging/celebrating similarities and differences
To learn to show respect, care and concern for living and non-living things/environment

 Religious Education
Discuss variety of religious stories – Daniel and the lions den, Noah’s ark, David & Goliath
St David’s day
St Dwynwen’s day
Easter story
Look at other cultures/beliefs re cats (Egypt)
Visit local church

Creative Development
Explore and experiment with a range of materials/ resources and tools to assemble artefacts
Using ICT packages to create themed pictures
Music Express
Explore sound sources (theme related)
Recognise familiar sounds through listening and making music
Travelling using a variety of body parts/equipment (topic related using a variety of stimuli)
PESS – shapes and movements
Topic related crafts e.g. create sculptures
Create a cat gallery displaying children’s work
St Dwynwen’s day/Valentine’s day/Mother’s day/St.David’s day/Easter

Physical Development
Gross Motor - Large equipment – bikes, scooters, trikes, climbing frames, fort, obstacle courses Create play areas indoors and outdoors
Use a variety of equipment (claw like) to make marks
 Balancing/cat like movements
Fine Motor- Scissors skills, lacing, threading, peg boards etc Controlling mouse,  IWB pen, Beebot
Manipulating clay/ playdough
Pencil grasp/control

Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Animals & habitats
Similarities and differences
Physical attributes of animals
Explore/investigate camouflage
Explore/investigate nocturnal animals
Animals and their young

Welsh Language Development
Fflic a Fflac 
Songs/ rhymes 
Daily routines, greetings, instructions, questions
Numbers to 20 – Sawl un?
Brawddeg yr Wythnos – Helpwr Heddiw
Seren Y dydd
Vocabulary for role play/ activities
Reception language patterns