Purple Mash

Sunday 17 November 2013

The last week's images

We loved creating our bonfire night pictures! We were very proud of them!

This week we have been thinking about litter/pollution in our ponds, rivers and streams! Mrs Abel showed us some pictures on the plasma of things that get put into our water and cause 'pollution'. We decided we would use our 'looking eyes' to detect any rubbish in our pond area and school yards etc. We've all been out on litter walks, picking up anything that spoils our environment. We found bottles, sweet packets and crisp packets! We made sure they got put in the bin where they belong and then we designed posters in our books telling people to put their rubbish in their bin!

 In our PE session we thought about all the fireworks we had seen and what sounds they made. We chose movements and sounds for each one. We were rockets, catherine wheels, bangers and fountains! Mrs Abel put all the fireworks into a simple sequence and we performed it. Afterwards we remembered how important it is to 'cool down' after all that moving about!


 What a fun day we had on Friday! We had a whole school assembly where our school council told us all about where our money would be going and we saw some of the teachers accept funny challenges like hula hooping for a minute! Then we got to make bandanas for the teddies we brought in from home.

We did lots of lovely colourings and sticking and cutting! 

We played 'Pudsey' games on the plasma!

We made crispy cornflake crunchy cakes!

And delicious pudsey cookies too!!