Purple Mash

Thursday 18 October 2012

Autumn woodland walk

Today we put our wellies on and went for our first woodland walk to look for signs of Autumn (and to maybe find the Gruffalo!). We walked in partners and made sure we had listening ears to help keep us safe! We found red, yellow, brown, orange and green leaves all over the floor as they had fallen off the trees and collected them and sticks/branches to take back to school.

Click on the video clip below to hear lots of happy squeals and laughter and smiley faces! Having fun in the woods!

Look what we found! - rubbish! We know that it's dangerous to leave rubbish in the woods as it could hurt all the animals that live there - we told our teachers that we need to put it in a bin!

Good job we had our wellies on so that we could walk through the thick squelchy mud - great fun!

We loved our first woodland walk of the year and can't wait to go back when it's Winter! Mrs Carter and Mrs Abel and all our helpers were so proud of us as we listened carefully and were so well behaved. Some of us thought we heard the Gruffalo but we didn't find him! What a lot of fun we had today!