Purple Mash

Sunday 4 May 2014

Summer term information

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the summer term in Reception! Hope you all had a great Easter break! A few reminders:
·      Library day – Friday (please note your child is not able to take out a new book without having returned the old one)
·      Snack money - £1 per week (please feel free to pay weeks in advance if convenient)
·      PE days: Mrs Abel – Thursday morning; Mrs Carter – Friday morning

Our class groups and reading days are changing again! This term we would like all reading books/records to be returned every Wednesday. The children will be read with and new books given out on Friday.

Summer term topics are ‘Scrumptious’ and ‘Beach’. These two topics have a knowledge and understanding of the world focus and will enable the children to learn about:
·      different types of food
·      foods they like and dislike
·      the senses of smell and taste
·      keeping healthy by eating a balanced diet
·      measures and money through play based contexts
·      foods from different countries
·      the processes of cooking, melting, freezing and mixing
·      plants and animals that live on the seashore
·      man-made and natural features of the seashore
·      names of different coastal towns and beach resorts in Wales
·      keeping safe at the seashore, including water hazards
·      properties of natural materials found at the seashore including sand, water, rock, shingle and driftwood
·      traditions of the seaside
·      the effects of pollution on the natural habitat
As part of the ‘engage’ stage of our topics it would be wonderful if you could visit a beach with your child to help them experience the sights, sounds, tastes and textures found there. Please encourage the children to play freely but safely and if possible become beach combers and bring anything collected or photos taken into school for discussion and for our ‘Let’s investigate’ tables. After your visit to the beach please complete the attached KWL grid (questionnaire) and return to school. This information will then be used for class discussions and the children’s ideas and questions incorporated into our planning. Also please could you complete the KWL grid (questionnaire) and food diary for our ‘Scrumptious’ topic.

Thank you for your continued support

Reception staff

Here is the overview of the areas of learning for the summer term

Language, Literacy and Communication

·      Recording of news using skills of underwriting/overwriting/copying/phonic knowledge
·      Handwriting using Jolly Phonic scheme
·      Listening to & creating stories/poems/rhymes based on topics (fiction & non-fiction) Focus books include ‘Sharing a shell’; ‘Smiley shark’; ‘Clumsy crab’; ‘Rainbow fish’
·      Writing from experiences/range of genres e.g. lists, postcards, menus, recipes
·      Creating scrapbooks for discussion and recall
·      Using ICT to create beach scenes and write menus etc.
·      Jolly Phonics groups – continuing to learn sounds not yet acquired, focussing on letter formation and the recognition/writing of tricky words. Further developing their independent reading and writing skills
·      Continuing to develop oracy skills (listening, questioning. answering etc), extending vocabulary through our topics
·      Guided reading (ability groups)

Mathematical Development

·      To become more independent when using familiar mathematical terms in practical situations/play
·      To consolidate the learning of the positions and properties of regular shapes and introduce 3D shapes (cones etc.)
·      To create collections/patterns using objects or pictures
·      To further develop subtraction skills
·      To practise addition using number lines/tracks/squares
·      Continue to practise recording numerals
·      Problem solving (theme related)
·      To continue counting on and back in steps of different sizes and from different numbers (2’s, 5’s, 10’s)
·      To continue to handle money in their play and practical activities
·      Measure capacity and use appropriate mathematical vocabulary

Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity

·      SEAL (red theme): ‘Relationships’ and ‘change’
·      Look at how humans impact on the environment of the seaside; how does litter and pollution hurt animals and plant life; asking questions about why people leave rubbish (linking to Eco schools initiative)
·      Sea shore safety and rescue (RNLI)
·      Keeping fit and healthy (healthy/unhealthy foods); 5 a day; looking after our teeth and bones; personal hygiene routines e.g.handwashing
·      Foods from around the world; where and how they are grown; look at world hunger needs (linking to ‘Mary’s meals’ initiative)

Religious Education

·      Discuss variety of religious stories – Jonah and the whale; Noah’s ark; Feeding of the 5000
·      Mary’s meals/charities that deal with world hunger
·      Other cultures/beliefs from around the world e.g. the importance of the Nile’ Ganges etc.

Creative Development

·      Look at the work of artist ‘Lynette Amelie’, responding to her work and re-creating images using a range of tools and materials
·      Using ICT packages to create postcards and menus (purple mash); using 2 Simple to create beach/underwater scenes
·      Music Express & sea shanties & songs with seaside/food themes
·      Explore sound sources e.g. making percussion instruments using theme related objects
·      Using the outdoors to develop gross motor skills and team games
·      PESS – shapes and movements
·      Topic related crafts e.g. making kites
·      Create a seashore/scrumptious gallery and invite Nursery and Y6 pupils to come and share the children’s work
·      Father’s day craft and card
·      Creating large group posters; designing menus/travel brochures; paper plate foods
·      Making decorations and food for seaside picnic
·      Cooking a range of theme related foods

Physical Development

·      Gross Motor - Large equipment – bikes, scooters, trikes, climbing frames, fort, obstacle courses
·      Working individually, in partners and in teams
·      Digging and planting
·      Fruit picking; making mud pies; nettles stews etc.
·      Create play areas indoors and outdoors
·      Building sandcastles/sculptures in wet sand; walking in wet/dry sand
·      Constructing beach shelters; jumping over waves; flying kites
·      Using paddles/oars etc.
·      Fine Motor- scissors skills, sieving, pouring, sorting, kneading, mixing, lacing, threading, peg boards etc Controlling mouse,  IWB pen, Beebot
·      Manipulating clay/ playdough
·      Pencil grasp/control

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

·      Weather and seasons/changes
·      Animals & habitats (seaside/sea creatures); protecting the environment
·      Similarities and differences (past and present seaside holidays & diets)
·      Graphs/maps/globes (where does our food come from, holidays)
·      Different food from around the world; how they are grown
·      Surveys/questionnaires
·      Visits/visitors
·      Following routes/directions to find treasure
·      Looking at features of the seaside (salt/fresh water etc)
·      Using our 5 senses
·      Looking at how food changes: mixes, melts, cooks, freezes etc.
·      Compare and contrast a coastal resort in Wales with that of another country

Welsh Language Development

·      Fflic a Fflac stories/DVD’s related to food and beach
·      Stories
·      Songs/ rhymes
·      Seaside/food vocabulary 
·      Daily routines, greetings, instructions, questions
·      Numbers to 20 – Sawl un?
·      Brawddeg yr Wythnos – Helpwr Heddiw
·      Seren Y dydd
·      Vocabulary for role play/ activities
·      Reception language patterns