We had loads of fun this week when we went down to the Nursery Yard to do some problem solving. Mrs Utting asked us if we could work out how we could get the teddy from one side of the yard to the other without his paws getting dirty! We all had a good look round and decided that we could use the play equipment in the yard to build teddy a path to walk on. We worked together to move blocks, chairs , slides and lots of other equipment. When we thought that we had finished a couple of us walked the path to check for gaps. If they found a gap they asked a friend to get something to fill it. When we were happy that teddy would be safe two of us took his paws and walked him carefully from one end of the path to the other. His paws were completely dry! Well done R2! We all got a housepoint for being so clever!
Thinking skills - Plan, develop, reflect
Communication skills - oracy
Number skills - using mathematical info