Purple Mash

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Images from the first few weeks of Spring term

We are in full swing with out new topic PAWS CLAWS AND WHISKERS! Below are a few of the activities we have enjoyed over the first few weeks of the Spring term!

Above we are painting a tiger's habitat after exploring the work of the artist Stephen Gayford - he paints big cats in their natural habitats! Mrs Carter is showing us some of his work here.

Number bond work

Playing in the vets role play area.

We've been practising our oracy skills this week - taking it in turns to talk about 'If I were an animal I would be......" and then drawing a picture of the animal we chose.

Over the past two weeks we have been thinking about how cats move. We pretended to be lions and cats and how they moved when they were walking, running, hunting prey, stretching, sleeping etc. Then this week we transferred those movements onto the apparatus - using high and low levels. We loved it!!

 We've had two sets of visitors to 'engage' with our new topic 'Paws, claws and whiskers'. Here we are with Harvey's rag doll cats, Smudge and Coco. They are very large cats that stay in the house all of the time. Harvey told us all about them and about how he and his family look after them. He brought the food he gives them and the brushes he uses to keep their fur nice and neat.

In our classes we have vets role play corners now for our new topic! In both our classes we have guinea pigs in the vets! Here are Mrs Abel's guinea pigs who we named Lettuce and Carrot!!

Our second lot of visitors were a mummy dog and her puppy (Socksy and Jake)! Abi's mummy and grandad brought them in to show us! The puppy was 4 months old and very cute! We found out lots about caring for a dog and her puppy by asking our visitors some questions.

This is Mrs Carter's class during their PE session on the apparatus!

 We still love going to the library every Friday morning!