Purple Mash

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Of course we couldn't just talk about 'Shrove Tuesday' without making and tasting pancakes!! We all had a chance to mix the ingredients and then got to choose what toppings we liked - they were really delicious!

We also needed to learn about an important festival that was starting during half term! Mrs Abel explained all about pancake day - its real name is 'Shrove Tuesday' and about a festival called 'Lent' which starts the day after, when people choose to give up something special e.g. chocolate, crisps etc for 40 days and nights in order to get ready to celebrate Easter!

Another busy week!

As we are on half term this week we had to make sure we were ready to celebrate 'Valentine's day' early this year! Here we are making the heart shaped cookies to give to the person we love! If it was you hope you enjoyed it!

Saturday 2 February 2013

Overview of Spring Term 'On the farm'

Language, Literacy & Communication
Listening to / responding to stories, poems, rhymes, chants, verses – books, tapes, internet, cds. Theme related (On the farm)
Show and Tell, News (Weekend Boxes including talking about the toy that they played with at the weekend), Talking Partners, message taking and using microphone.
GENRE - Retelling/sequencing traditional stories.
Develop a legible style of handwriting – letter formation.
Jolly Phonics – blending, identifying sounds in words, dictation, continuing Tricky Words, reading books, introduction of letter names, introduction of capital letters.
Convey meaning through pictures and mark making using variety of equipment including ICT. Show an understanding of the functions of writing (lists, labels etc.)
Copy and write letters, words and phrases
Imaginative writing – emergent writing
Theme related role play using story language.
Guided reading.
Development of sentence patterns through shared, group and individual writing

Mathematical Development
Recognise, order, compare and count numbers to at least 10
Estimate, count and record numbers to at least 10.
Use the language of position and place things in given positions in relation to each other.
Adding 2 or 3 to a number up to 10
Combine 2 groups of objects to find how many altogether.
Comparing lengths of 2 / 3 objects and beginning to measure lengths using a non standard unit.
Compare heavy and light objects - estimate and begin to measure weights on scales using non- standard units.
Sort 3-d shapes  – recognising properties and naming.
Use timers to understand the passage of time e.g. sand timers
Use the concept of time in terms of their daily activities
Use 1p,2p,5p to pay for items (farm shop)
Interpret information presented in simple charts and diagrams and draw appropriate conclusions

Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity
Circle time - Discuss favourite farm animal
Show and tell – Children bring in theme related objects/stories etc.
Circle time/ game activities – activities we are good at and like.
Set targets/ goals – ‘What we would like to be able to do.’
Celebrate achievements – What can you do now that you could not do before.  Children to bring in certificates and awards.
SEAL Good to be me’ – circle time/games/activities – say/show when we are feeling good/what things they are good at/not good at
Activities to help understand and manage feelings (discussion using photo cards of happy, proud)
Role play using puppets to help children to stand up for themselves without hurting others

Physical Development
Gross Motor – Large equipment – bikes, scooter, trikes, climbing frames, fort (farm yard equipment/outdoor role play)
Rolling and kicking. - rolling a ball into a space and to a partner, kicking balls and bean bags up into the air, dribbling / controlling with their feet.
Throwing and catching – throwing, passing and bouncing balls and beanbags – individually and then with a partner.
Gymnastics – Use of the floor / apparatus. Travelling taking weight from one part of the body to another, travelling in different ways. Jumping / bouncing – developing strength and co-ordination.
Spatial awareness and relationships – using language of position.
Describe how they look / feel after physical exercise.
Fine motor – scissors skills – cutting out letters, numbers, shapes, art and craftwork.
Controlling mouse, IWB pen, Beebot, cd players etc.
Manipulating  clay / playdough – theme related

 Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Consider similarities and differences between farming today and in the past.
Compare and contrast hot and cold countries and look at produce of each.
Explore our locality and visit local farm – recreate using play mat and small world.
Woodland winter and spring walk.
Investigate animals and their young/simple food chains
Let’s investigate area (animals/their homes/their young)
Investigate how farm machinery moves (push, pull etc)
Living eggs – observation and investigation
Use & taste products from various farm animals/farms
Materials and their properties (three little pigs’ houses)

Creative Development
Music Express – theme related
Dance – using songs, stories, poems as stimuli to devise actions for ‘on the farm’
Observational drawings of farm animals/equipment
Create farm models using junk materials.
Make miniature farm yards using tuff tray
Papier mache farm animals
St. Dwynwen/Valentine’s Day; Mother’s Day; Easter cards / craft.
Make puppets/masks and create a show
Create life size scarecrow for our role play
Using a selection of vegetables create animal models
Vegetable prints for repeating patterns
Bake bread and scones (cream tea party for guests)
Make 3 little pigs’ houses

Religious Education
Festivals –Valentines Day / St Dwynwen, St David’s Day, Mother’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Lent, Easter.
Discuss variety of religious stories

Welsh Language Development
Greetings – Bore da, prynhawn da, nos ha
Ar y fferm  -Watch DVD
Stories – big book (related vocab animals etc.)
Songs – theme related
Numbers  - sawl un?
Brawddeg yr Wythnos – Helpwr Heddiw
Seren Y dydd
Beth wyt ti eisiau?
Faint ydy oed di?
Ble rwyt ti’n byw?

Busy times!

Playing with our farm play set in the area.

 Our role play area has been turned into a farm shop!

Making 'snow castles'

We love all the farm play sets that we have both in the classrooms and in the area.

Making farm animals for our displays

Co-operative play in our farm cottage.

We have a barn/stable to play in too! Do you like our scarecrow?

Writing our favourite part of the story of 'The three little pigs'. We are trying to remember to use a capital letter at the start of our sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end!

Every day we have 'guided reading' in small groups in the quiet room. 

We have begun making papier mache pigs - hopefully they will become money boxes! We have been looking at coins we use everyday and are practising counting and using them in our role play area.

Using the apparatus

Over the last few weeks we have had the indoor apparatus out for PE. We have listened carefully to all the instructions for using the four stations and know when the bell rings that we have to carefully come off the apparatus we are on and wait to move onto the next piece. 

We absolutely loved being on the apparatus and can't wait for the next time! Please remember that indoor PE kit needs to be brought to school every Monday for Mrs Carter's class and every Thursday for Mrs Abel's class - thank you!

Scrambled eggs on toast

We have been finding out what produce comes from different animals on the farm. We know that chickens give us eggs so Miss Button helped us to make scrambled eggs and toast - tasting it was the best part!!